VOGAZ - Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software

VOGAZ  - Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software
VOGAZ- A Technical Analysis Tool and Charting Software for Stock, Forex & Commodity Market Investors and Traders.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Williams Accumulation Distribution

Williams Accumulation Distribution
The Accumulation/Distributionindicator shows a relationship of price and volume. When the indicator isrising, the security is said to be accumulating. Conversely, when the indicatoris falling, the security is said to being distributing. Prices may reverse whenthe indicator converges with price.. It is a volume weighted price momentumindicator. It measures buying and selling pressure by calculating therelationship between the numbers of points that the market has moved from opento close, relative to the periods entire range. WilliamsAccumulation-Distribution tracks the buying pressure and selling pressure.Williams AD is a running sum of positive accumulation values (buying pressure)and negative distribution values (selling pressure).
The Williams Accumulation/DistributionIndicator tries to find underlying relationships between the close, high andlow prices. It tracks the buying pressure and selling pressure.
WilliamsAccumulation-Distribution (WAD) tracks buying pressure (accumulation) andselling pressure (distribution) on a security.
With accumulation, most of thevolume is associated with upward price movement.
With distribution, most of thevolume is associated with downward price movement.

Williams %R

Williams PctR
Williams %R measuresoverbought/oversold. The most widely used method for interpreting Williams %Ris to buy when the indicator rises above 80 or sell when the indicator fallsbelow 20. Williams %R is a momentum indicator.It indicates that the essence ofhis trading system is based on interpreting readings of %R. William %R,sometimes referred to as %R, shows the relationship of the close relative tothe high-low range over a set period of time. The nearer the close is to thetop of the range, the nearer to zero (higher) the indicator will be. If theclose equals the high of the high-low range, then the indicator will show 0(the highest reading). If the close equals the low of the high-low range,
This method is used to decidemarket entry and exit point. The %R always ranges in between the value of 100and 0. For day-trading, when % R reaches 10% or lower it is considered a sellindicator and when it reaches 90% or higher it is considered as a buyindicator. Williams %R takes into account ten trading periods to determine thetrading range. Once the ten-period trading range is determined, the %R iscalculated where current periods closing price fall within that range. Thesignal is most useful in trending markets.
Williamss %R has proven veryuseful for anticipating market reversals. It identifies overbought or oversoldmarkets. It is important to remember that overbought does not necessarily implytime to sell and oversold does not necessarily imply time to buy. A securitycan be in a downtrend, become oversold and remain oversold as the pricecontinues to trend lower. Once a security becomes overbought or oversold,traders should wait for a signal that a price reversal has occurred. One methodmight be to wait for Williams %R to cross above or below -50 for confirmation.Price reversal confirmation can also be accomplished by using other indicatorsor aspects of technical analysis in conjunction with Williams %R.
One method of using Williams %Rmight be to identify the underlying trend and then look for tradingopportunities in the direction of the trend. In an uptrend, traders may look tooversold readings to establish long positions. In a downtrend, traders may lookto overbought readings to establish short

Welles Wilder Smoothing

Welles Wilder Smoothing
The Welles Wilders Smoothingindicator is similar to an exponential moving average. The indicator does notuse the standard exponential moving average formula. This indicator is used ina the manner that any other moving average would be used. Moving averages areused to help identify the trend of prices. By creating an average of prices, that moves with the addition of newdata, the price action on the security being analyzed is smoothed.

Weighted Moving Average

Weighted Moving Average
A Weighted Moving Average placesmore weight on recent values and less weight on older values. A Moving Averageis most often used to average values for a smoother representation of theunderlying price or indicator. A weighted moving average is designed to putmore weight on recent data and less weight on past data. A weighted movingaverage is calculated by multiplying each of the previous periods data by aweight. The weighting is calculated from the sum of period. First, theexponentially smoothed average assigns a greater weight to the more recent data.Therefore, it is a weighted moving average. But while it assigns lesserimportance to past price data, it does include in its calculation all the datain the life of the instrument.
If larger weight factors are usedfor more recent periods and smaller factors for measurements further back intime, the trend will be more responsive to recent changes without sacrificingthe smoothing a moving average provides Weighted Moving Average smoothes a dataseries that is very important in a volatile market

Weighted Close

Weighted Close
Weighted Close is an average ofeach days open, high, low, and close, where more weight is placed on the close.The Weighted Close indicator is a simple method that offers a simplistic viewof market prices. It gets its name from the fact that extra weight is given tothe closing price. It places greater weighting on closing price. Bothindicators approximate the average price traded for a period and is used asfilters in moving average systems.
The weighted close study isanother way of viewing the price data. It places a greater emphasis on theclosing price rather than the high or low. This process creates a single linechart. It provides clear and concise picture of the market

Volume ROC

Volume ROC
The Volume Rate of Changeindicator shows clearly whether or not volume is trending in one direction oranother. Sharp Volume ROC increases may signal price breakouts. V-ROC is theindicator that shows whether or not a volume trend is developing in either anup or down direction. The Volume ROC shows the speed at which volume ischanging. This can be quite informative as almost every significant chartformation is accompanied by a sharp increase in volume.
The V-ROC shows the rate ofchange measured by volume. You will need to divide the volume change over thelast n-periods by the volume n-periods ago. The answer will be a percentagechange of the volume over the last n-periods.
With most markets, the volume canbe expected to within a constant range over time. When volume moves outsidethis range and begins to trend either upwards or downwards, then a capitulationof one sort or another can be expected. Using this breakout from the average,the VROC is best used as a confirmation indicator to other studies.
If the volume for the currentperiod is higher than n-period ago, the rate of change will be a plus number.If volume is lower, the ROC will be minus number. This allows looking at thespeed at which the volume is changing.

Volume Oscillator

Volume Oscillator
The Volume Oscillator shows aspread of two different moving averages of volume over a specified period oftime. The Volume Oscillator offers a clear view of whether or not volume isincreasing or decreasing. The Volume Oscillator displays the difference betweentwo moving averages of a volume. The difference between the moving averages canbe expressed in either points or percentage.
You can use the differencebetween two moving averages of volume to determine if the overall volume trendis increasing or decreasing. When the Volume Oscillator rises above zero, itsignifies that the shorter-term volume moving average has risen above thelonger-term volume moving average, and thus, that the short-term volume trendis higher than the longer-term volume trend.


VIDYA (Volatility Index DynamicAverage), , is a moving average derived from linear regression R2. A MovingAverage is most often used to average values for a smoother representation ofthe underlying price or indicator. VIDYA is a derivative of linear regression,it quickly adapts to volatility. R2Scale is a double value specifying theR-Squared scale to use in the linear regression calculations. VIDYA (VolatilityIndex Dynamic Average) is a variable-length moving average, which adapts to thevolatility in question by exponentially smoothing data based on standarddeviation .The VIDYA uses a volatility index for weighting the data points.
In this moving average theadjustment is done primarily to improve its responsiveness in times ofheightened volatility. The indicator is more responsive to market pricemovements than a conventional simple or exponential moving average, and can beused for position trading

Variable Moving Average

Variable Moving Average
A Variable Moving Average is anexponential moving average that adjusts to volatility. A Moving Average is mostoften used to average values for a smoother representation of the underlyingprice or indicator. A variable moving average is an exponential moving averagethat automatically adjusts the smoothing percentage based on the volatility ofthe data series. The more volatile the data, the more sensitive the smoothingconstant used in the moving average calculation. Sensitivity is increased bygiving more weight given to the current data.
During trading ranges (whenprices move sideways in a narrow range) shorter term moving averages tend toproduce numerous false signals. In trending markets (when prices move up ordown over an extended period) longer-term moving averages are slow to react toreversals in trend. By automatically adjusting the smoothing constant, avariable moving average is able to adjust its sensitivity, allowing it toperform better in both types of markets.

Ultimate Oscillator

The Ultimate Oscillator comparesprices with three oscillators, using three different periods for calculations.The most popular interpretation of the Ultimate Oscillator is price/indicatordivergence.
Oscillators typically compare ainstruments smoothed price with its price x-periods ago. Ultimate Oscillatorthat uses weighted sums of three oscillators, each of which uses a different timeperiod. Values range .
The timeframe and number ofperiods used in plotting Ultimate Oscillator can vary according to desiredsensitivity and the characteristics of the instrument. Typically values of7-periods, 14- periods and 28-periods are used. Note that these time periodsall overlap, i.e. the 28-period time frame includes both the 14-period timeframe and the 7-period time frame. This means that the action of the shortesttime frame is included in the calculation three times and has a magnifiedimpact on the results

Typical Price

Typical Price
A Typical Price is simply anaverage of one periods high, low and close values. A Typical Price is oftenused as an alternative way of viewing price action, and also as a component forcalculating other indicators.. The Typical Price indicator provides a simple,single-line plot of the periods average price. Some traders use the TypicalPrice rather than the closing price when creating moving average penetrationsystems. Typical Price is another approximation of average price for eachperiod and can be used as a filter for moving average systems
For day trading, the TypicalPrice helps you to get a clear view of what the main thrust of the days actionwere.

True Range

True Range
The Average True Range measuresmarket volatility. High ATR values may signal market bottoms, and low ATRvalues may signal neutral markets. The True Range measures market volatility.
High values indicate that pricesare changing a large amount during the period. Low values indicate that pricesare staying relatively constant. Note that both trending and level prices canhave high or low volatility.
The value is typically smoothedwith a moving average. High volatility levels can sometimes be used to timetrend reversals, such as market tops and bottoms. Low volatility levels cansometimes be used to time the beginning of new upward price trends followingperiods of consolidation.
The True Range is a measure ofvolatility. Major tops are typically accompanied by high volatility during theblow-off phase of a market, as traders become more and more nervous and readyto take profits. Major bottoms are usually calmer, with low volatility, as thehopes for quick profits have faded. The idea is to replace the high - lowinterval for the given period, as the high-low does not take into considerationgaps and limit moves.


TRIX is a momentum oscillator thatshows the rate of change of an exponentially averaged closing price. The mostcommon interpretation of the TRIX oscillator is to buy when the oscillatorrises and sell when the oscillator falls. 3, 8 and 14 period moving averagesare often used to smooth the TRIX oscillator. TRIX is a momentum indicator thatdisplays the percent rate-of-change of a triple exponentially smoothed movingaverage of the instruments closing price. It is designed to keep you in trendsequal to or shorter than the number of periods you specify.
The TRIX indicator oscillatesaround a zero line. Its triple exponential smoothing is designed to filter outinsignificant cycles. Trades should be placed when the indicator changesdirection (i.e., buy when it turns up and sell when it turns down). The TRIX can also help identify turningpoints. The simplest rule of trading decisions making while following thetrend- to buy, when TRIX changes direction from decreasing one to incising. Andto sell, when TRIX changes direction from incising one to decreasing.

Triangular Moving Average

Triangular Moving Average
Triangular Moving Average give more weight tothe price in the middle of the moving average periods. A Moving Average is mostoften used to average values for a smoother representation of the underlyingprice or indicator. They are actually double-smoothed simple moving averages.The periods used in the simple moving averages varies .
Moving averages are used to helpidentify the trend of prices. Bycreating an average of prices, that "moves" with the addition of newdata, the price action on the security being analyzed is “smoothed".
In other words, by calculatingthe average value of a underlying security or indicator, fluctuations arereduced in importance and what remains is a stronger indication of the trend ofprices over the period being analyzed

Trade Volume Index

Trade Volume Index
The Trade Volume index showswhether a security is being accumulated or distribute. When the indicator isrising, the security is said to be accumulating. when the indicator is falling,the security is said to being distributing. Prices may reverse when theindicator converges with price.
The TVI helps identify whetherbuyers or sellers are in control. If the TVI is trending up, it indicates thatbuyers are in control. If the TVI is trending down, it indicates that sellersare in control. If the TVI is abovezero, it indicates that net buying has taken place over the time perioddisplayed. If the TVI is below zero, it indicates that net selling has takenplace over the time period displayed

Time Series Moving Average

Time Series Moving Average
A Time Series Moving Average issimilar to a Simple Moving Average, except that values are derived from linearregression forecast values instead of raw values. A Moving Average is mostoften used to average values for a smoother representation of the underlyingprice or indicator. The time series moving average is calculated using linearregression techniques. Rather than plotting a straight linear regression line,a time series moving average plots the last point of the line. The MovingAverage (Time Series) function returns the moving average of a field over agiven period of time based on linear regression.
The time series moving average iscalculated by fitting a linear regression line over the values for the givenperiod, and then determining the current value for that line. A linear regressionline is a straight line, which is as close to all of the given values aspossible.
Moving averages are useful forsmoothing noisy raw data. By looking at the moving average of the price, a moregeneral picture of the underlying trends can be seen. Since moving averages canbe used to see trends, they can also be used to see whether data is bucking thetrend. Entry/exit systems often compare data to a moving average to determinewhether it is supporting a trend or starting a new one.

Swing Index

Swing Index
The Swing Index is a popularindicator that shows comparative price strength within a single security bycomparing the current open, high, low and close prices with previous prices.The Swing Index is a component of the Accumulation Swing Index This momentumindicator is used primarily as a component of the Accumulative Swing Index.
It provides an indication of thereal strength and direction of a price trend by providing a single indicatorline, which can be analyzed for support and resistance lines.

Stochastic Oscillator

Stochastic Oscillator
The Stochastic Oscillator is apopular indicator that shows where a securitys price has closed in proportionto its closing price range over a specified period of time. The StochasticOscillator has two components- %K and %D. %K is most often displayed as a solidline and %D is often shown as a dotted line. The most widely used method forinterpreting Other way to interpret the Stochastic Oscillator is to buy when %Krises above %D, and conversely, sell when %K falls below %D. The StochasticOscillator is a momentum indicator that shows the location of the current closerelative to the high/low range over a set number of periods. Closing levelsthat are consistently near the top of the range indicate accumulation and those near the bottom of the range indicatedistribution
The Stochastic Oscillator is a momentum indicator that shows thelocation of the current close relative to the high/low range over a set numberof periods. Closing levels that are consistently near the top of the rangeindicate accumulation (buying pressure) and those near the bottom of the rangeindicate distribution (selling pressure).
In an upward-trending market,prices tend to close near their high, and during a downward-trending market,prices tend to close near their low.
It is as a buy/sell signalgenerator, buying when fast moves above slow and selling when fast moves belowslow. Most traders use the Slow Stochastics because of its more reliablesignals

Stochastic Momentum Index

Stochastic Momentum Index
The Stochastic Momentum Index.This indicator plots the closeness relative to the midpoint of the recenthigh/low range. The Stochastic Momentum Index has two components- %K and %D. %Kis most often displayed as a solid line and %D is often shown as a dotted line.The most widely used method for interpreting the Stochastic Momentum Index isto buy when either component rises above 40 or sell when either component fallsbelow 40. Another way to interpret the Stochastic Momentum Index is to buy when%K rises above %D, and conversely, sell when %K falls below %D periods.It isconstructed by comparing the price to the average of the high-low price rangeover a given period. The result is an oscillator that ranges.
The oscillator is comprised oftwo lines, the SMI and the moving average of the SMI. When the close is greaterthan the midpoint of the range, the SMI will be positive. When the close isless than the midpoint of the range, it will be negative.
IIt is used as a sentiment, ortrend identification indicator, thereby providing a better sense of the overalldirection of the market. The interpretation of the SMI is virtually identicalto that of the Stochastic Oscillator. The most basic pattern to trade from isto buy when the SMI falls below -40 and then returns above it. Sell when theSMI rises above +40 and then falls back below that level. Another tradingsignal is buy when the SMI rises above the moving average, and sell when theSMI falls below the moving average.

Standard Deviation

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Simple Moving Average

Simple Moving Average
The Simple Moving Average issimply an average of values over a specified period of time. A Moving Averageis most often used to average values for a smoother representation of theunderlying price or indicator. A simple moving average is formed by computingthe average price of a instrument over a specified number of periods Its theaverage stock price over a period of time. Keep in mind that equal weighting isgiven to each periods price.
It makes easier to spot trends,especially helpful in volatile markets. It smoothes a data series and make iteasier to spot trends, something that is especially helpful in volatilemarkets. They also form the building blocks for many other technical indicatorsand overlays. Because moving averages are lagging indicators, they fit in thecategory of trend following indicators. When prices are trending, movingaverages work well. when prices are not trending, moving averages can givemisleading signals

Relative Strength Index

Relative Strength Index
The RSI is a popular indicatorthat shows comparative price strength within a single security. The most widelyused method for interpreting the RSI is price/RSI divergence, support/resistancelevels and RSI chart formations., which compare the internal strength of asingle instrument. The RSI compares the magnitude of a instruments recent gainsto the magnitude of its recent losses and turns that information into a numberthat ranges from 0 to 100. It takes a single parameter, the number of timeperiods to use in the calculation. The Relative Strength Index compares upwardmovements in closing price to downward movements over a selected period.
The Relative Strength Indexcompares upward movements in closing price to downward movements over aselected period.

Linear Regression Slope

Linear Regression Slope
Linear regression is a common statistical method used to forecast values using least squares fit. The Linear Regression function determines the extent of a linear relationship of a field to time over a given period of time R-squared shows the strength of trend. The more closely prices move in a linear relationship with the passing of time, the stronger the trend.
R-squared values show the percentage of movement that can be explained by linear regression.
One of the most useful ways to use r-squared is as a confirming indicator. Momentum based indicators and moving average systems require a confirmation of trend in order to be consistently effective. R-squared provides a means of quantifying the trend of prices.

Linear Regeression RSquared

Linear Regression RSquared
Linear regression is a common statistical method used to forecast values using least squares fit. The Linear Regression R-Squared function determines the extent of a linear relationship of a field to time over a given period of time R-squared shows the strength of trend. The more closely prices move in a linear relationship with the passing of time, the stronger the trend.
R-squared values show the percentage of movement that can be explained by linear regression.
One of the most useful ways to use r-squared is as a confirming indicator. Momentum based indicators and moving average systems require a confirmation of trend in order to be consistently effective. R-squared provides a means of quantifying the trend of prices.

Linear Regression Forecast

Linear Regression Forecast
Linear regression is a commonstatistical method used to forecast values using least squares fit. The Slopeshows how much prices are expected to change per unit of time. Slope gives youthe general direction of the trend (positive or negative), r-squared gives youthe strength of the trend. A high r-squared value can be associated with a highpositive or negative Slope.
When the Slope of the trend firstbecomes significantly positive, It could open a long position. You could sell,or open a short position when the Slope first becomes significantly negative.
It may even be consider opening a short-term position opposite the prevailing trendwhen it is observe that the Sloperounding off at extreme levels. if the Slope is at a relatively high level andbegins to turn down, It may consider selling or opening a short position.
The Linear Regression Slopeindicator provides the slope at each bar of theoretical regression lines, whichinvolve that bar and the previous N-1 bars (N being the regressionperiod).
The data, based on the priceselected, is smoothed using the moving average period and type. The resulting data is then used to formregression lines ending at each bar, using the regression periodspecified. The slope of each barsregression line is the recorded as the linear regression slope value for thatbar.
The Slope shows how much pricesare expected to change per unit of time. It gives the general direction of thetrend (positive or negative)

Rainbow Oscillator

Rainbow Oscillator
Therainbow oscillator is based upon multiple time frames of a moving average. Itis used to for buying /selling signals as well as overbought & oversoldpositions

Prime Number Oscillator

Prime Number Oscillator
This indicator finds the nearestprime number from either the top or bottom of the series, and plots thedifference between that prime number and the series itself. This indicator canbe used to spot market turning points. When the oscillator remains at the samehigh point for two consecutive periods in the positive range, consider selling.when the oscillator remains at a low point for two consecutive periods in thenegative range, consider buying.

Prime Number Bands

Prime Number Bands
Prime Numbers Oscillator Thisindicator finds the nearest prime number for the high and low, and plots thetwo series as bands. This indicator can be used to spot market trading ranges.
This indicator can be used tospot market-trading ranges.

Positive Volume Index

Positive Volume Index
The Positive Volume Index showsfocus on periods when volume increases from the previous period. Theinterpretation of the Positive Volume Index is that many investors are buyingwhen the index rises, and selling when the index falls. The Positive VolumeIndex is often used in conjunction withNegative Volume Index to identify bull and bear markets. Positive Volume Index(PVI) is calculated based on price movements on periods with increased volume.The high volume periods are consider to be driven by uninformed traders, andtherefore PVI is intended to track the price movements which the uninformedcrowd is trading. The market is considered to be bearish if the Positive VolumeIndex crosses below its 255-period moving average. A single input parameter isrequired which is the number of periods used to compute the signal line .
PVI assumes that on periods whenvolume increases, the crowd-following "uninformed" traders are in themarket. on periods with decreased volume, the "smart money" isquietly taking positions. The Positive Volume Index is typically compared to a255-period moving average of its value. When the index increases above thisvalue, less informed traders (the crowd) have typically been buying ,indicating the prices may continue to increase. When the index increases belowthis value, uninformed traders have typically been selling, indicating apossible decrease.

Performance Index

Performance Index
The Performance indicatorcalculates price performance as a normalized value or percentage. A Performanceindicator shows the price of a security as a normalized value. If thePerformance indicator shows 50, then the price of the underlying security hasincreased 50% since the start of the Performance indicator calculations.Conversely, if the indictor shows –50, then the price of the underlyingsecurity has decreased 50% since the start of the Performance indicator calculations.
Performance index are helpful forcomparing the price movements of different securities

Parabolic SAR

Parabolic SAR
The Parabolic SAR indicator is always in themarket (whenever a position is closed, an opposing position is taken). TheParabolic SAR indicator is most often used to set trailing price stops. A stopand reversal (SAR) occurs when the price penetrates a Parabolic SAR level.. Itis an indicator that is a very useful and accurate tool during a trendingperiod. Parabolic SAR should only be employed in trending markets - when itprovides excellent entry and exit points. It is plotted in a rather unorthodoxfashion- a stop loss is calculated for each period using the previous periodsdata. The advantage is that the stop level can be calculated in advance of themarket opening.
Parabolic SAR is an indicatorthat is very useful during a trending period. It sets trailing price stops forlong or short positions. SAR stands for stop and reverse. The term parabolicthat resembles a parabola comes from the shape of the curve created on thetechnical chart. Parabolic SAR is called a reversal system that is used todecide stop point & to estimate when to reverse a position & trade inthe opposite direction. It is an outstanding indicator commonly used daytrading to provide exit point.
The first entry point on the buyside occurs when the most recent high price of an issue has been broken and itis at this time that the SAR is placed at the most recent low price. As theprice of the instrument rises, the dots will rise as well, first slowly andthen picking up speed and accelerating with the trend. The SAR starts to move alittle faster as the trend develops and the dots soon catch up to the priceaction of the issue you are following.
The Parabolic SAR providesexcellent exit points. You should close long positions when the price fallsbelow the SAR and close short positions when the price rises above the SAR.
If long the SAR will move upevery period, regardless of the direction the price is moving. The amount theSAR moves up depends on the amount that prices move.

On Balance Volume

On Balance Volume
The On Balance Volume indicatorshows a relationship of price and volume as a momentum index. On Balance Volumeindex generally precedes actual price movements. informed investors are buyingwhen the index rises and uninformed investors are buying when the index falls.Volume is the number of shares or contracts that change ownership over a givenperiod of time. On Balance Volume is a momentum indicator that relates volumeto price change. It is an indication of supply and demand that is independentfrom price and can relate a great deal about the relative enthusiasm of buyersand sellers in the market place.
On Balance Volume is oneindicator that is designed to track changes in volume over time. It is the running total of volume calculatedin such a way as to add the periods volume to a cumulative total if the periodsclose was higher than the previous periods close and to subtract the periodsvolume from the cumulative total on down periods. The assumption is that changes in volume willprecede changes in price trend. should be used in conjunction with otherindications of price trend reversals.
It shows if volume is flowinginto or out of a instrument. When the instrument closes higher than theprevious close, volume is considered up-volume. When the instrument closeslower than the previous close, all of the periods volume is considereddown-volume.
OBV changes precede pricechanges. The smart money is flowing into the instrument by a rising OBV.When the public then moves into the instrument, both the instrument and the OBVwill surge ahead.

Negative Volume Index

Negative Volume Index
The Negative Volume Index showsfocus on periods when volume decreases from the previous period. Theinterpretation of the Negative Volume Index is that well-informed investors arebuying when the index falls and uninformed investors are buying when the indexrises. The premise being that the smartmoney takes positions when volume decreases. This index tries to determinethe periods where trading volume hasdecreased from the previous period,
The Negative Volume Index(NVI) is used to provide buy signals ona given equity when the price is trending upward while the volume is trendingdownward. The premise behind this indicator is that price changes on highvolume days are a result of uninformed traders while price changes on decreasedvolume are due to informed traders. Increases in the NVI are taken asindicative of smart money buying into the stock. Trend reversals are indicatedby crossovers with a signal line .
Bull markets are presumed tooccur when the NVI is above its 255-period moving average. Buy (long) signalsare issued when the NVI crosses above its 255-period moving average. Sell(short) signals are issued when the NVI crosses below its 255-period movingaverage.
The interpretation of the NVIassumes that when volume increases, the crowd-following uninformed traders arein the market. with decreased volume, the money is quietly taking positions. The NVI displays what the smart moneyis doing.

Moving Average Envelope

Moving Average Envelope
Moving Average Envelopes consistof moving averages calculated from the underling price, shifted up and down bya fixed percentage. Moving Average Envelopes (or trading bands) can be imposedover an actual price or another indicator. When prices rise above the upperband or fall below the lower band, a change in direction may occur when theprice penetrates the band after a small reversal from the opposite direction.Shift is a double value specifying the percentage of shift for each movingaverage from the actual values.
They are used to indicateoverbought and oversold levels and can be traded on their own or in conjunctionwith a momentum indicator. It is used to identify trading ranges by the assumptionthat price should not deviate from the average of the underlying price element(high or low) by the percentage utilized.
When prices rise above the upperband or fall below the lower band, a change in direction may occur when theprice penetrates the band after a small reversal from the opposite direction.
Sometimes the moving average envelope is used to determine when a price is"cheap" or "expensive" it that in a strongly trending market, price is likely to stay in theupper part of the envelope for lengthy periods, and waiting for cheapness inthe test in such a market, may miss themajor part of the move.

Money Flow index

Money Flow Index
The Money Flow Index measuresmoney flow of a security, using volume and price for calculations. Marketbottoms below 20 and tops above 80. Divergence of price and Money Flow Indexare also used. The Money Flow Index ("MFI") is a momentum indicatorthat measures the strength of money in and out of a instrument. It accounts forvolume. Money flow is an indicator that calculates an indexed value based onprice and volume for the number of bars specified in the input Length.Calculations are made for each bar with an average price greater than theprevious bar and for each bar with an average price less than the previous bar.These values are then indexed to calculate and plot the money flow. The use ofboth price and volume provides a different perspective from price or volumealone. The money flow indicator tends to show dramatic oscillations and can beuseful in identifying overbought and oversold conditions.
It is used to measure thestrength of money flowing in and out of an instrument. It is also used to warnof trend weakness and likely reversal points. The indicator compares the valuetraded on up-periods to value traded on down-periods. If the price trendshigher and the MFI trends lower (or vice versa), a reversal may be imminent.MFI can be used to determine if there is too much or too little volumeassociated with a security. A instrument is considered overbought if the MFIindicator reaches 80 and above (a bearish reading). On the other end of thespectrum, a bullish reading of 20 and below suggests a instrument is oversold.

Momentum oscillator

Momentum Oscillator
The momentum indicator calculateschange of over a specified length of time as a ratio. high values of themomentum oscillator may indicate that prices are trending strongly upwards. Themomentum oscillator is closely related to MACD and Price Rate of Change (ROC).The Momentum indicator measures the amount that a price has changed over agiven time span. It displays the rate-of-change of a price as a ratio. Themomentum oscillator measures the velocity of directional price movement. Whenprice moves up, at some point the market is considered to be overbought; whenit moves down, at some point the market is considered to be oversold. a reaction or reversal is imminent. The slope of the momentum oscillator isdirectly proportional to the velocity of the move. The distance traveled up or down by themomentum oscillator is proportional to the magnitude of the move. The momentum oscillator is usuallycharacterized by a line on a chart drawn in two dimensions. The Y axis(vertical) represents magnitude or distance the indicator moves; the X axis(horizontal) represents time. The momentum oscillator drawn in this manner ischaracterized by the fact that it moves very rapidly at market turning pointsand tends to slow down as the market continues the directional move.
It is used as a trend-followingoscillator. Buy when the indicator bottoms and turns up and sell when theindicator peaks and turns down. It is also used as a leading indicator.
This method assumes that markettops are typically identified by a rapid price increase and that market bottomstypically end with rapid price declines. As a market peaks, the Momentumindicator will climb sharply and then fall off diverging from the continuedupward or sideways movement of the price.

Median Price

A Median Price is simply anaverage of one periods high and low values. A Median Price is often used as analternative way of viewing price action, and also as a component forcalculating other indicators. The Median Price indicator is the midpoint ofeach periods price. It provides a simple, single-line chart of the periodsaverage price. This average price is useful when you want a simpler view ofprices.
A Median Price is often used asan alternative way of viewing price action, and also as a component forcalculating other indicators.

Mass Index

Mass Index
The Mass Index identifies pricechanges by indexing the narrowing and widening change between high and lowprices. Mass Index, reversals may occur when a 25-period Mass Index rises above27 or falls below 26.5. The Mass Index is a range oscillator. It is designed toidentify possible market extremes by comparing range between daily high and lowprices. The greater the distance, the greater the volatility, and vice versa.
It is used to identify trendreversals. The Mass Index is a range oscillator that uses changes in tradingprice and provides unique market reversal forecasts that other indicators maymiss. The Mass Index attempts to identify reversals by comparing the tradingrange between High & low prices for each period. A bulge in the index linesignals reversals.


The MACD is a moving averageoscillator that shows potential overbought/oversold phases of marketfluctuation. The MACD is a calculation of two moving averages of the underlyingprice/indicator. Buy/Sell interpretations may be derived from crossovers(calculated from the Signal Periods parameter), overbought/oversold levels ofthe MACD and divergences between MACD and actual price.
The MACD ("Moving Average ConvergenceDivergence") is a trend following momentum indicator that shows therelationship between two moving averages of prices. MACD uses exponentialmoving averages, which are lagging indicators, to include some trend-followingcharacteristics. These lagging indicators are turned into a momentum oscillatorby subtracting the longer moving average from the shorter moving average. Theresulting plot forms a line that oscillates above and below zero, without anyupper or lower limits. MACD is a centered oscillator.
The MACD is the differencebetween a 26-period and 12-period exponential moving average. A 9-periodexponential moving average, called the signal line is plotted on top of the MACD to show buy/sell opportunities
The MACD proves most effective inwide-swinging trading markets. The basic MACD trading rule is to sell when theMACD falls below its signal line, a buy signal occurs when the MACD rises aboveits signal line. It is also popular to buy/sell when the MACD goes above/belowzero. The MACD is also useful as an overbought/oversold indicator.

Historical Volatility

Historical Volatility
Historical volatility is thelog-normal standard deviation. This formula will output a 30-day historicalvolatility index between 1 and 0- Stdev(Log(Close / Close Yesterday), 30) *Sqrt(365) Similar to the coefficient ofdetermination, the higher the value is, the more volatile the stock is.

High Minus Low

High Minus Low
Returns the high price minus thelow price.

High Low Bands

High Low Bands
High Low Bands consist oftriangular moving averages calculated from the underling price, shifted up anddown by a fixed percentage, and include a median value. When prices rise abovethe upper band or fall below the lower band, a change in direction may occurwhen the price penetrates the band after a small reversal from the oppositedirection.

Exponetial Moving Average

Exponential MovingAverage
An Exponential Moving Average is similar to a Simple MovingAverage. An EMA is calculated by applying a small percentage of the currentvalue to the previous value. An EMA applies more weight to recent values. AMoving Average is most often used to average values for a smootherrepresentation of the underlying price or indicator.
Exponential MovingAverage reduces the lag by applying more weight to recent prices relative toolder prices. The weighting applied to the most recent prices depends on thespecified period of the moving average. The important thing is that theexponential moving average puts more weight on recent prices. It will reactquicker to recent price changes than a simple moving average.
It smoothes a data series and makes it easier to spottrends, something that is especially helpful in volatile markets. Movingaverages are lagging indicators, and therefore, by definition, will give latesignals. By weighting recent price data more heavily, exponential movingaverages attempt to speed up the signal given.It provides support andresistance.

Ease Of Movement

Ease Of Movement
The Ease of Movement oscillator shows a unique relationshipbetween price change and volume. The Ease of Movement oscillator rises whenprices are trending upwards under low volume, and likewise, the Ease ofMovement oscillator falls when prices are trending downwards under low volume.
The Ease of Movement indicator shows the relationshipbetween volume and price change over the user-specified number of periods. Itcalculates the ease at which prices are moving. The larger the price move andthe lighter the volume, the easier the movement.
High Ease of Movement values occur when prices are movingupward on light volume. Low Ease of Movement values occur when prices aremoving downward on light volume. If prices are not moving, or if heavy volumeis required to move prices, then the indicator will also be near zero.
It highlights the relationship between volume and pricechanges and is particularly useful for assessing the strength of a trend. TheEase of Movement indicator produces a buy signal when it crosses above zero,indicating that prices are moving upward more easily; a sell signal is givenwhen the indicator crosses below zero, indicating that prices are movingdownward more easily.