Introducing Vogaz scanner with amazingly accurate technical signals and market indicators. You can scan EOD DLY and real time data of Stock, Forex & Commodity. VOGAZ scanner can scan Technical Analysis of Equities and Derivatives (Futures and Options) of National Stock Exchange of India (NSE), Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), Multi Commodity Exchange of India (MCX), National Commodity & Derivative Exchange (NCDEX), National Multi Commodity Exchange of India (NMCE), MCX Stock Exchange (MCX-SX).
Now trade in Equity/Shares/Stocks with help of VOGAZ Technical Analysis and charting software. You can check Technical Analysis of your favorites Equity/Shares/Stocks, Analysis how Equity/Shares/Stocks are doing on charts, are they bullish or bearish in the financial markets
Trade Future and Options with higher success rate with Vogaz technical analysis software.
Now trade in Commodities with the help of VOGAZ Technical Analysis and charting software. You can check Technical Analysis of your favorites Commodities, Analysis how Commodities are doing on charts and are they bullish or bearish in the financial markets.
Now trade in Mutual Funds with VOGAZ Mutual Fund Tracker. You can check Technical Analysis of your favorite Mutual Funds you can Analysis how Mutual Funds are doing on charts and are they bullish or bearish in the financial markets. Mutual Funds price movements can be checked/watched in different price styles and with different Technical Indicators.
Vogaz Heat Map - Stock Forex and Commodity market heat map is basically a big grid that breaks down individual stocks Forex and commodity. Each stock is given its own rectangle or square. The colour is usually relevant to the equities price, and the colour is a shade ranging from dark red to light green. Heat map gives you the idea of stock forex and commodity with this colour range.
Foreign Institutional Investors / Domestic Institutional Investors (FII/ DII) - You can check Technical Analysis of your favorite Foreign Institutional Investor (FII)/ Domestic Institutional Investors (DII) you can Analyze what FII/DII are doing on charts and are they bullish or bearish in the financial markets only big financial players can change the movements of financial markets so you have to know what they thinking. Watch how much FII and DII are pumped or Pulled out of the financial markets. A close watch on these investments is essential for making buying and selling decisions.